29 December 2010

This country is like a petri dish of the world.

To find wisdom, we would benefit from the awareness of a greater history than that which is presented. Perhaps with such an awareness, we would find compassion, common dreams, strengths to share.

American History needs to be complete, and presented objectively, if possible. The reflection needs to include all natives of America - the Navaho, O'odham, Havasupi, Apache... As I understand it, in example, "brown" Mexican murder and enslavement of "red" natives throughout the Southwest is as awful as that which the "whites" committed. The Spanish, French, Dutch, and English warred with one another and with the natives of the "new world." Throughout time and across Earth there has been struggle for - what - power, a sense of success, supremacy? ... even the native tribes killed, raped, looted, and took land from one another.

And then there were the atrocities among the "yellow" people who toiled to build the west. Plus the tortured women in the east ... "witches" burning at the stake. Not to mention women in general, fighting for equality with men - equality in rights. I have hardly turned the pages of history - imagine what else would be uncovered.

Looking across the world, it appears to be the unfortunate history of mankind. Remove the race-color card and see the power-control struggle that haunts us all. The issue appears to be deeper ... innate and based on fear. What wonderful things could we accomplish if we could embrace strengths across differences in a spirit of working together for mutual success. If we could move forward with the knowledge that every person has merit, and should only "serve" another by choice of vocation or by choice of compensation for mis-deeds (as prisoners might be required to clean up roadways, etc).

Let us find respect for one another. There is always a solution, a compromise perhaps, that can satisfy. The atrocities that haunt us need not divide us. Let them strengthen us as a community of people who will not allow fellow humans to suffer at the hand of ignorance and disrespect. Let us become bigger by learning from one another's strengths; sharing the rituals of one another's cultures - embracing some, allowing differences to exist side by side, letting go of that which no longer serves.

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