10 May 2008

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights ..."

Have you read the Declaration of Independence? Have you argued for or agin the use of the word God in our oaths, our pledge, our money? I shudder to think that the Declaration of Independence would come under fire for editing out reference to "Nature's God" and our "Creator" ...

These references to God are not religious. They are not about Christianity, Judaism, Islam, nor are they about church, temple, or mosque. God is a universal term that speaks to the unity within and among us all. Even the athiest has "God," though it is not defined as is that of religion.

What our founders have laid before us as a foundation is the fundamental truth of the "Laws of Nature." We have certain unalienable rights - including the right to interpret our individual relationship with "God" or life or nature or creator or ... in the way that resonates with us. And, that the ultimate source of all that we are lies in a "firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence."

The Declaration of Independence. It does not discriminate. It does not prosthletize. It only promises to uphold God-given rights to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Let us stop killing God. It is a word that has been enveloped by almost every religion, yet it is not owned by them. God, Creator, Source - however you define it, however you embrace it - needn't be a threat. It is only in the mis-perception of this mere word that one creates fear or disonance.

Let us learn from our founders to find God in our self - the voice that says "this way." And when we gather in agreement, let us make room for alternate points of view while embracing the universal God-given rights of every single being.

Let Peace reign. Peace be with our leaders and decision makers. Peace be upon us. Peace be among us. May we act in respect to God within each of us and in each other.

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06 May 2008

Etre bien dans sa peau. To be well in one's skin.

A sense of balance. A sensuality that ricochets among the senses. A confidence that enhances every moment, keeping one rooted here ... now.

It is without the pressing of should. It is choosing and enjoying that which will bring the most benefit from the resources at hand. It looks not forward nor does it look back. It is a breath ... followed.

I remember it now. And somehow I have forgotten. As I gaze with tired eyes - eyes that once sparked with the flame of optimism and enthusiasm - I see the flesh upon me and it is no longer strong. The familiar glisten of sun kissed skin now reflects liver spots and scars. Taught muscle that flexed and stretched carrying me through time and space now cramps and aches. I have become heavy. I feel pulled to the earth from my dreams.

It is not that I do not love this body, but that I do not know it. Foreign to me, my flesh seems to have morphed in but a moment while I was unaware.

I have aged. And, now what am I to do? The wisdom in my mind wishes to be carried again on athletic wings ... so I shall embrace thus to become nurtured ... and I shall resist thus to become strong.

For help, I return to the pages of The Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth. And, I shall follow the dance of the Five Tibetan Rites. Whirl. Thrive. Be.

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