31 August 2009

In response to a request for suggestions to determine cost cutting measures for teachers & school supplies, I submit the following.

First, I think the approach to learning might be more focused on re-useable resources. I have a stack of papers from the year, many of which will end up in the trash. It would help save paper, copying, pens, pencils, crayons, etc. to find another method for capturing the lessons - perhaps something akin to an etch-a-sketch or a Zen water painting board or an individual chalk board where the images can be created, then erased for the next assignment.

Second, art projects might be created in practice via the method above or something similar, then skills honed before creating a piece worth framing/keeping (thus limiting the body of works that come home). Children could be asked to contribute resources for artwork in order to inspire further creativity and to teach the lesson of re-using items and innovating... Expose them to the work of artists who create with found items ...

Third, perhaps every child might carry a lined spiral notebook or journal that would capture the "permanent" body of work for the year - thus parents would supply this and the writing instrument(s). This would reduce or eliminate a lot of the copying and paper expense.

And, exercise might be combined with reading/counting/reciting skills to stimulate activity on many levels. There are guides that could easily be employed such as fitness decks that can be versatile in a classroom and DVD's that could be broadcast in the gymnasium.

This takes further thought to flesh-out a full program applicable for each grade level ... perhaps the students could be asked for cost-cutting ideas they might find.

At-home study habits remain key to the effectiveness of any education program ... perhaps families could relate the many ways they teach or reinforce studies during time away from the classroom.

I just look at the piles of paper/glue/pen/crayon/glitter/etc that sits in boxes for each year of school ... and I wonder how to manage the "stuff" ...

It would help to see a list of expenses in order to glean where there might be other opportunities to reduce spending. Priorities remain Teachers, Support & Maintenance Staff, Facilities, and the Books/Guides/Tools for teaching.

Thank you for considering this far. And, for the opportunity to voice an idea.

17 August 2009

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Now, let's see what we CAN DO.

UNIFY US. Please help stop the us-them thinking. Having been born in the United States of America, I am an “American.” I have no other citizenship (and I do not wish for other citizenship). Too often people call themselves Asian-American, African-American, Mexican-American, Latin-American, Caucasian-American - when they are native to the USA by birth, or when they are citizens of this country by choice -and not citizens of another country or nation. These distinctions separate the people of the USA rather than uniting them, and this perpetuates us-them thinking. If you have dual citizenship, then by all means hyphenate the countries. Otherwise, celebrate the affinities as you wish while holding fast to our united affiliation with the USA.

MOTIVATE ALL. I am frustrated by inequitable programs that aid many who are unwilling to help themselves, while punishing many who have worked hard to overcome obstacles and create an opulent life for themselves and for their families. I believe that all are created equal though with different circumstances and environments and challenges and blessings; that all have the right to pursue happiness; that there are adequate resources to provide for every one to the extent they wish to succeed - without being at the expense of another. Provide opportunity for the needy to contribute with thought/word/deed that is compensated by aid ... Inspire and reward effort so all have hope that propels them to success.

FOSTER RESPONSIBILITY. Every one needs to take responsibility for their self, and reach out to help others. However, as history shows us – you cannot help one who is unwilling to help themself. This is a tough truth to accept, but it must be allowed. Don’t just give aid – show them their ability to earn it and sustain it – give hope. Of course there are those who are dependent, and must benefit from available resources.

INCREASE EDUCATION. Higher education can be dished out at lower levels. Rather than teach to the lowest common denominator, challenge all. Even an "F" in a subject is better than never having been exposed to the matter. Make education available to all who choose, not by scholarship only, but by creating options affordable at every level.

FORTIFY HEALTH. An insured patient is billed thousands of dollars for a hospital visit, while an uninsured patient is billed hundreds. Perhaps it would be best to reduce the paperwork and bureaucracy that piles cost into the equation. The current system needs fixed, not replaced by another broken system.

FLATTEN TAX. Prosperity and poverty exist … neither should be punished. The income tax rate should be the same for all - or at least increased at a more equitable rate. What incentive is there to succeed when there is a punishment that comes with it in the form of higher taxes and reduced benefits?

We need to look to one another for support in becoming the best each of us can so that we are a world of giants - not bullies or a force, but developed to our potential. Change is life. Let us move every American to build a nation that is an inspiration and an example of peaceful, prosperous, compassionate, joy filled human beings. Thank you for your attention and for your consideration.

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