08 June 2009

Please help stop the us-them thinking. Having been born in the United States of America, I am an “American.” I have no other citizenship (and I do not wish for other citizenship). My differences from every other person are vast - for I am unique as any other - and, I enjoy the camaraderie of those whose experiences have crossed mine if only for support in growing through them or in understanding the challenges to overcome.

Thus I might participate in religions, clubs, fraternities, or etc. I might study countries from which my ancestors fled. I could find affiliation with others of the same history. I might find interest in philosophies and in cultures and I might take on qualities of them... Yet I am American. Not Artistic-American or Catholic-American or Purple-American or ... I am what America is. Blended together and still pure in it's unity. American.

Too often people call themselves Asian-American, African-American, Mexican-American, Latin-American, Caucasian-American - when they are native to the USA by birth, or when they are citizens of this country by choice - and not citizens of another country or nation.

These distinctions separate the citizens of the USA rather than uniting them, and this perpetuates us-them thinking. If you have dual citizenship, then by all means hyphenate the countries-nationalities … otherwise … let us be "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

We are a country like a blended family ... Yours, Mine, Ours ... Ours. Let us cherish the common threads and respect the individuality that makes the USA so interesting. People of color - red, white, and blue.

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06 June 2009

Golf is my link to understaning my life lately. I am learning lessons of persistence, focus, staying in the moment, feeling it all come together in one divine moment when the club face meets the ball and propels it to just the spot intended ... and it feels as if swinging the club in the wind ... whoosh. Holy whoosh.

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