05 April 2008

It is with delight that I orchestrated a party to celebrate my husband's 50th birthday. The key word is CELEBRATE. No "old geezer" stuff allowed. No "over the hill." It is all about "the Time of Your Life."

Getting older, aging, should be as exciting now as when we were 5 and looking to be 6! Only now, it seems to happen more quickly. And, the focus should be on living ...

To shape this event, I focused on my husband's greatest passion - Golf! The venue, why the Golf & Country Club, of course. Green buckets filled with golf balls and tied to helium golf-ball shaped ballons decorated the tables.

A cork board showed off highlights of his life and provided fodder for games. Yes, we played games. To introduce or provide social warm-up for those who would share tables, I gave each couple a slip of paper - they needed to match the question with the answer... Questions were from trivia posted on the cork board ... answers were posted there too. So, while couples mingled to get answers, they spent some time getting to know my husband's history a bit more vividly.

Of course we played the guessing game - how many golf balls and golf tees are in the jar? Winner takes it home. Plus the guest who traveled the greatest distance received a selection of travel size sundries. Everyone got party favors including a golf ball, candy, a fridge magnet with an inspirational saying tucked into paper boxes that served as placecards. The children received sports whistles and candy in the same.

Guests were allowed and even encouraged to bring gifts. C'mon. Why deny the celebrant the joy of unwrapping surprises like a plaque for his office, a celestial star named after him, a box of cigars, golf apparel, signature golf balls, a bottle of his favorite spirits, a selection of fine wine, gift certificates for dinner & books & golf stuff ... and a few hand made selections from the children!

It is not always easy to theme a party for another, however, with creativity and insight, you can find a special idea inspired by and for the birthday celebrant. Look forward! Enjoy the moment. Let the past be that which contributed to now.
